Conjecture, Magic, and A Fools Hope 

Minimal Mac | iCloud – Conjecture, Magic, and A Fools Hope:

  • But what about the stuff I bought from Amazon? Ripped from CD?’ Buy it from Amazon? Rip it from CD? No matter. If iTunes sells it you can stream it.
  • ‘But most of what I listen to is not on the iTunes store!’ Then, this service is not for you.

I really, really, really hope that this is how the much-prophesied Apple Streaming Music Locker Magic Box of Bits works. I doubt it will work this way (I have my doubts the music industry would go along with it), but if it did work this way, and all I had to do was upload a list of the music I wanted in my Magic iTunes Music Locker, and it was immediately available, well, that'd be enough for me.

(Via Minimal Mac.)